This was the kind of day us photographers and videographers dream about capturing. Chari and Bhanuka's impeccable taste and attention to detail set the stage for an amazing day. From the moment we arrived, it was clear that every little detail had been carefully thought out, reflecting their unique personalities and love for each other.
Our job as photographers and videographers is simple: capture every special moment and turn them into memories that will last a lifetime.
The day started with Chari and Bhanuka getting ready together with their bridal party, before splitting off to separate rooms for the final touches.
Before the ceremony, the couple had a first look. It was a beautiful moment that I made sure to capture, complete with the sound of their whispers as they saw each other for the first time saying "we made it". It was a touching moment, especially considering their inspiring journey. From having to leave their life in Sri Lanka and start a new to finally being Mr and Mr, this was one of the most inspiring gay wedding stories.
The ceremony took place in the stunning orangery at Barton Hall, with a black carpet and a violinist playing Wildest Dreams by Taylor Swift as they walked down the aisle.
After the ceremony, the drinks reception kicked off with a champagne tower. We took the couple out for some portraits around the grounds of Barton Hall while their guests were being seated.
As the sun set, heartfelt speeches were given, ending with a final toast from the grooms.
After dinner, the drinks kept flowing and Chari and Bhanuka wowed everyone with a choreographed first dance before the dancing began.
As the day came to a close, it was clear that it had been a day to remember.